Unidentified Lead Notification in Plastic Surgery Account

If you receive a notification stating you have an Unidentified Lead, you can fix the problem using this help article.

Scenario: You receive a notification stating you have an Unidentified Lead.

Why This Happens:

The contact could not be properly identified as a Surgical or Non-Surgical Lead Type. Typically, this occurs when the contact's Treatment of Interest is not connected in the Workflow: Lead Type Assignment.

The Lead Type Assignment workflow assigns the Lead Type as Surgical or Non-Surgical based on the value in the Treatment of Interest field. All Custom Field answers for Treatment of Interest must be configured for the workflow to perform properly.

Once the Lead Type is assigned as Surgical or Non-Surgical, the workflow assigns the lead to the specified user, creates the opportunity in the specified pipeline, and enrolls the contact in the appropriate lead nurture workflow.

How to Fix:

  1. Confirm the Contact's Treatment of Interest

    1. Contacts -> Search Contact -> View Contact Details for Treatment of Interest

  2. Locate the Lead Type Assignment Workflow

    1. Marketing -> Workflows -> Lead Type Assignment Workflow

  3. Update the Lead Type Assignment Workflow

    1. Click the Condition Action in the Workflow labeled "Surgical or Non-Surgical?"

      1. Based on the missing Treatment of Interest value's procedure type, add it to the proper branch for either Surgical or Non-Surgical

      2. Add Segment (OR)

      3. Select Contact Details -> Treatment of Interest

      4. Select Operator: Is

      5. Select missing Treatment of Interest

  4. Save the Workflow

  5. Manually Enroll the Contact in the Lead Nurture Workflow by applying the tag "Manual"

    1. This will ensure the contact re-enters the Lead Type Assignment workflow for Opportunity Creation and then enters the proper Lead Nurture workflow for the automated SMS & Email drip as well.

How-To Video

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