What is Email Bounce Suspension?

This article explains the concept of email bounce suspension, detailing what it means for your email campaigns and how it can impact your email deliverability. Learn about the different types of email bounces, the reasons behind suspensions

Email sending will be suspended due to a high hard bounce rate. Email providers and anti-spam networks monitor bounce rates for every email you send and use this information to suspend accounts with high bounce rates. High bounce rates negatively impact your email deliverability.

What are bounces?

A bounce occurs when an email is not delivered or is rejected by the recipient's email provider.

There are two types of bounces:

  1. Hard bounce: This happens when an email address does not exist.

  2. Soft bounce: This is a temporary failure, which can happen for reasons such as the recipient's server being down or the mailbox being full.

What causes an account suspension?

We have thresholds in place to monitor bounce rates, and if a bounce rate exceeds the industry threshold of 5%, we temporarily suspend email sending for the account.

A high bounce rate indicates that the account is sending emails to invalid addresses. It may also mean that external spam filters are refusing to deliver emails due to past bad sending behavior. A good bounce rate is typically between 0% and 3%.

During the email-sending suspension, only email sending will be disabled. All other features will remain functional.

How long will email sending be blocked?

A temporary block of 12 hours will be enforced. Users can quickly resume sending by enabling email validation. If this occurs for the third time in seven days, email sending will be blocked permanently until the email validation feature is enabled.

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