Super Simple Sales Training: Inbox & Tasks

Sales Tip #1: Monitor the Unread INBOX and Reply | Sales Tip #2: Complete TASKS and Call Leads

Super Simple Sales Training - Aesthetix CRM - Watch Video

Sales Tip #1: Monitor the Unread INBOX and Reply

  • In Aesthetix CRM, on the left hand navigation menu, click Inbox.

  • The Unread Inbox is where you'll receive messages from emails, text messages, Google My Business, website chats, WhatsApp, Facebook, calls, voicemails, and Instagram DMs all in one place.

  • You can Filter the Inbox to make things more manageable.

  • Click Filters and filter by Assigned, then select your name if you're working in a larger team to narrow down to leads that you are responsible for replying to.

  • Respond to all Unread messages or click "mark as read" if the message does not require a response.

Sales Tip #2: Complete TASKS and Call Leads

  • You want to check your tasks often as you will be assigned to call leads as they are generated. Some accounts may have implemented additional automated phone call tasks be assigned (such as a Call #2 on Day 5 or 7).

  • You can Filter tasks by Assignee and other criteria.

  • Simply click the task to open the contact card and review details such as source, treatment of interest, conversation history, and more.

  • Click to Call from the Contact Card.

  • Required: Mark the Task as Complete after calling.

  • Encouraged: Use Notes to document details about the call.

It is truly this easy! Simply monitor the Inbox to respond and use Tasks to call leads. Wishing you all the best of success!

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