Facebook Messenger Error Message

Facebook only allows up to 24 hours for you to respond to a user before shutting down access outside of the Facebook platform. 

If you receive a Facebook error message that states that Facebook only allows messages to be sent when they are inside the allowed window (screenshot below), then you have unfortunately missed the time window where you can respond directly to the contact from Aesthetix CRM.

Facebook only allows up to 24 hours for you to respond to a user before shutting down access outside of the Facebook platform. 

Here is Facebook's Messenger Policy: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/policy/policy-overview#subscription_messaging 

"Businesses will have up to 24 hours to respond to a user. Messages sent within the 24 hour window may contain promotional content. We know people expect businesses to respond quickly, and businesses that respond to users in a timely manner achieve better outcomes. We highly encourage businesses to respond to people’s messages as soon as possible."

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