Start by navigating to the Workflows section and setting up a trigger.
Select Inbound Webhook as your trigger type. Note that only one webhook can be configured for each trigger.
Test Your Webhook:
To save your webhook setup, run test data through it. Copy the webhook URL to your external phone provider’s settings, then initiate an outbound call. This test data allows Aesthetix to recognize the webhook.
Inbound and Outbound Call Mapping:
You can use the same inbound webhook for both inbound and outbound calls, depending on your configuration.
For inbound calls managed by Aesthetix’s internal Twilio integration, no mapping is necessary. However, for outbound calls through hard phone providers (e.g., RingCentral, Spectrum), mapping is essential to log these calls in Aesthetix.
Contact Creation Requirements:
To log a call, ensure you have either an email or a phone number. Map the “To” number for outbound calls, as the “From” number will typically remain consistent.
Logging External Calls:
Use the Log External Call action in workflows to capture call data from your external provider. Map key data such as direction (inbound/outbound), phone numbers, call status, and, if applicable, voicemail URLs.
Handling Voicemail Attachments:
Ensure your external provider can save voicemails as URLs to be attached within Aesthetix. This ensures voicemails are accessible within the CRM.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage external phone call data in Aesthetix CRM, ensuring seamless logging and easy tracking.
Important Notes
- Dates should be in ISO 8601 format
- Expected Phone Number format should be E.164
- Extension Phone Number format - Ex. +12125551212-131
- Currently does not support call duration unless you can send call recording