How to Clone a Website

Maximize your efficiency in Aesthetix by learning how to clone websites effortlessly. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions on duplicating existing websites within your Aesthetix account, making it easy to replicate designs, layouts, and content for new projects. Explore tips on customizing cloned sites to fit your unique needs while retaining the essential elements of the original. Ideal for web developers and designers, this article will empower you to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity by leveraging the cloning feature in Aesthetix.

1. Click on "Marketing."

1 Click on the element.

2. After, click on "Websites".

2 After, click on "Websites".

3. Select the website you wish to clone and click the three dots next to it.

3 Click on the element.

4. Next up, click on the "Clone" option to duplicate the website.

4 Next up, click on "Clone".

5. Enter the desired name for your cloned website.

5 Next up, click on the element.

6. Choose the appropriate sub-account or location.

6 Click on "Demo - Med Spa".

7. Finally, review all details and complete the process by clicking "Confirm."

7 Click on "Confirm".

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