Event Marketing

Aesthetix CRM offers a comprehensive set of tools to help you effectively promote and manage events. From creating RSVP forms to setting up email and SMS reminders, this guide will walk you through the entire process of setting up event marketing in Aesthetix CRM.

Overview: Effectively promote and manage event communications in Aesthetix CRM

Step 1: Create an Event RSVP Form

  1. Navigate to Forms:

    • From the Aesthetix CRM dashboard, click on the Marketing tab.

    • Select Forms, then choose the Event RSVP Form template.

  2. Customize the Form:

    • Update the form fields to gather the required information (e.g., name, phone, email).

    • If desired, style the form by adding a background image, updating colors, or changing fonts. Use the Styles and Options tab to modify the design.

    • Ensure you include a CAPTCHA to verify that users are not bots.

  3. Set the Submission Action:

    • You can direct attendees to your website or show a custom message after submission.

    • Once the form is customized, click Save. This form will be linked in your event invitations.

  4. Integrate the Form:

    • You may copy the embed code and embed the form on your website or landing page.

    • Or, you may simply copy the form link.

Step 2: Customize Event Email Templates

  1. Access Email Templates:

    • Go to the Marketing tab, select Email Marketing, and then click Email Templates.

    • Find the Event Marketing folder and select the Event Invitation template.

  2. Edit the Event Invitation Email Template:

    • Replace the placeholder logo with your own, either by uploading it or selecting it from the media library.

    • Update the event name, date, and time.

    • Use a visually appealing image—such as your clinic, team, or a promotional graphic—by clicking the pencil icon on the image and uploading a new one.

    • Link the RSVP Form or Event Landing Page: Make sure the RSVP button in the email links directly to your event landing page containing the Aesthetix CRM form or simply the Event RSVP form by copying the form’s link and pasting it into the button's URL field.

    • Review and Save: Check all the event details, update the invitation text, and hit Save.

  3. Edit the Event RSVP Confirmation Template:

  4. Edit the Event Reminder Email Templates:

Step 3: Set Up Event Confirmation & Reminder Emails

  1. Create Confirmation & Reminder Templates:

    • You may choose to duplicate the event invitation email template to use it for your reminder emails. This saves time by reusing the same layout.

    • Customize the reminder email with text encouraging attendees not to miss the event. Update the date, time, and location if necessary.

    • Set this email to go out a day or two before the event to keep it fresh in their minds.

Step 4: Set Up Event SMS (Text Message) Templates

  1. Access SMS Templates:

    • Under the Marketing tab, select SMS Templates and open the Event Marketing templates.

    • You'll find pre-built templates for invitations, confirmations, and day-of-event reminders.

  2. Edit the SMS Templates:

    • Customize the text with your event details, including the date, time, and location.

    • Keep the RSVP instruction intact: "Reply 'Y' to RSVP." This allows attendees to confirm their attendance via text.

  3. Send Confirmation and Reminders:

    • Once someone RSVPs, they will receive a confirmation SMS with additional details such as event location.

    • You can schedule a reminder SMS to be sent the day before or the day of the event.

Step 5: Configure Event Marketing Workflows

  1. Access Workflows:

    • In the Marketing tab, select Workflows, then navigate to the Event Marketing folder.

    • Duplicate the Event Invitation Workflow.

  2. Set Event Details:

    • Update the event date and time to reflect your specific event. For example, if your event is on October 14th from 2 PM to 6 PM, make sure the workflow reflects this.

  3. Configure Workflow Steps:

    • The workflow includes sending email and SMS invitations, waiting for RSVPs, and sending confirmations and reminders.

    • You can adjust the wait time between sending invitations and following up with non-responders.

  4. Follow-Up for Non-RSVPs:

    • If attendees don’t RSVP after the first invitation, set the workflow to resend the invitation after a few days.

  5. Save and Publish:

    • Once all templates and workflows are updated, click Publish to make the workflow live.

Step 6: Enroll Contacts in the Event Workflow

  1. Select Contacts:

    • Go to the Contacts tab and select the contacts you want to invite to the event.

  2. Enroll in Workflow:

    • Click Add to Automation, select the Event Invitation Workflow, and set the campaign to start at a specific date and time.

    • If you have a large list, consider enrolling contacts in batches to avoid overwhelming the system.

Step 7: Review and Test

  • Send test emails and SMS messages to yourself to ensure everything looks perfect before the event.

  • Use the Test Email feature to verify the appearance and functionality of your emails and forms.

With Aesthetix CRM's event marketing features, you can seamlessly manage RSVPs, invitations, and reminders for your event. Follow these steps to set up your event marketing campaigns and ensure your attendees have a smooth experience from start to finish. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the support team.

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