How to access the Calendar Widget

This article provides a comprehensive guide on utilizing the calendar widget on your Dashboard to keep track of all your scheduled appointments.

1. Click "Dashboard"

Access the dashboard


2. Upcoming Appointments

The location of the Calendar Widget on your Dashboard may vary depending on its configuration, but it is usually found at the top left side.


3. Date filter

The filter settings determine how your events are displayed.

Date filter

4. Click to change "Date filter

By selecting the filter settings, you can adjust how appointments are viewed on the dashboard.

Click to change

5. List of upcoming appointments

This section will show you all of your scheduled events, even those from Google and Outlook if those integrations are connected.

List of upcoming appointments

6. Appointment details

This section provides comprehensive details about your appointments, including the date, type of event, start and end time, duration, contact person, and status. By clicking on this element, you can access the profile page of the contact associated with the appointment.

Appointmen details

7. Appointment status

This section displays the current status of your appointment. You can manually update the status by selecting an option from the drop-down menu.

Appointment status

8. Click "SHOW ALL"

To view all appointments, click here to be redirected to the appointment list.

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