Lead Nurture Workflow SMS + Email Personalization

This guide explains how to access and customize the lead nurture and patient nurture email and SMS templates in Aesthetix CRM. These templates are key to personalizing communication with leads and existing clients.

How to Access and Customize the Lead Nurture SMS + Email Templates

1. Understanding the Lead Nurture vs. Patient Nurture Templates

  • Lead Nurture Templates: Used for new contacts or leads. These templates are designed to introduce and engage potential clients.

  • Patient Nurture Templates: Used for existing clients (patients). These templates help maintain and enhance relationships with current clients, providing a more personalized experience.

2. Accessing Email Templates

  1. Navigate to Email Marketing:

    • From the left-hand navigation menu, click on Marketing.

    • Select Email Marketing.

    • Hover over Emails at the top and click on Templates.

  2. Finding the Right Template:

    • Within the Email Templates section, locate the folder named "Lead Nurture".

    • This folder may contain both English and Spanish versions of the templates.

  3. Editing a Template:

    • Click on the template name to open it.

    • You can customize the email content, including the subject line and preview text, by clicking the three dots and selecting Edit Settings.

    • Personalize the template using custom values (e.g., practice name, contact’s treatment of interest) and contact fields.

    • After making changes, send yourself a test email to review it. Once satisfied, click Save Template to update the workflow.

3. Accessing SMS Templates

  1. Navigate to SMS Templates:

    • In the Marketing section, click on SMS Templates.

  2. Reviewing and Editing SMS Templates:

    • Scroll to find the lead nurture and patient nurture SMS templates, which are labeled accordingly.

    • Click the pencil icon next to a template to read and edit the message.

    • Maintain important custom values like the user's first name (e.g., your name) and the contact’s first name, as well as links (e.g., online scheduling link).

    • If you need to update any custom fields or values, you can access them via the Settings option within the template.

  3. Personalization Tips:

    • These templates are crafted to feel personal and human, avoiding the feel of an automated message.

    • Feel free to add images, emojis, and more to personalize the SMS templates.

    • After making edits, click Save to sync changes with the automated lead nurture workflow.


Customizing your email and SMS templates in Aesthetix CRM ensures that your communication is tailored to your audience, whether they are new leads or existing patients. Regularly review and update these templates to keep your messaging aligned with your practice’s tone and objectives.

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