Understanding Account Summary Email Reports

Review the definitions below for understanding the metrics in the account summary email reports.

Below is a breakdown of the metrics in the account summary email reports.

Active user: 

  • An active user is one logged in at least once in the chosen timeframe either on the web or on a phone (both IOS and android). 

  • We will show this in this format - 79/100 where 79 is the count of active users and 100 is the count of total users in the location that were created during the chosen timeframe.

  • A user could be both a location admin or a location agent


  • Count of contacts in that location that are created within the chosen timeframe


  • Product forms - Count of total submissions on all forms created in the CRM within the chosen timeframe

  • Surveys - Count of total submissions on all surveys created on the CRM within the chosen timeframe

  • FB forms


  • Inbound calls - Count of all the calls that contact made to the location admin/user within the chosen timeframe

  • Outbound calls - Count of all the calls the sub-account admin/user made to contact. This will not include automated calls.

  • Talk time - The summation of the total duration of calls that happened between the user and the contact


  • Inbound SMS - Count all the SMS that contact sent to the location admin/user within the chosen timeframe. 

  • Outbound SMS - Count all the SMS the sub-account admin/user sent to a contact. This will not include automated SMS.


  • Inbound emails - Count of all the emails that a contact sent to the location admin/user within the chosen timeframe

  • Outbound emails - Count all the SMS the sub-account admin/user sent to a contact. This will not include automated emails.


  • Inbound texts - Count of all the texts that a contact sent to the location admin/user within the chosen timeframe through Facebook

  • Outbound texts - Count all the texts the sub-account admin/user sent to a contact. This will not include automated texts.


  • Inbound texts - Count of all the texts that a contact sent to the location admin/user within the chosen timeframe through GMB

  • Outbound texts - Count all the texts the sub-account admin/user sent to a contact. This will not include automated texts.


  • Inbound texts - Count of all the texts that a contact sent to the location admin/user within the chosen timeframe through IG

  • Outbound texts - Count all the texts the sub-account admin/user sent to a contact. This will not include automated texts.


  • Count all the appointments that were created within the chosen timeframe irrespective of what status the appointment is in.

  • We need the counts of created appointments only


  • Count of reviews received for that location


  • Positive - Count all positive sentiments

  • Negative - Count of all negative sentiments


  • Unread - Count of all unread conversations

  • Missed - If the initial inbound message isn't responded to within 5 minutes, the conversation will be marked as a Missed Conversation. This rule is only applicable to new conversations.

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