Plastic Surgery Pipeline Overview

This lesson will teach the Pipeline feature for Plastic Surgery. We call this the Surgery Lead 2 Patient Pipeline.

This lesson will teach the Pipeline feature for Plastic Surgery. We call this the Surgery Lead 2 Patient Pipeline. So let’s dive in!

Why should you use a Pipeline? Aesthetix CRM enables practices to easily keep track of leads as opportunities in the sales pipeline. Opportunity tracking helps you see where your leads are in the sales pipeline so you know what action to take next to get them closer to the sale. Pipeline stage movement can trigger automated communications. It also provides reporting data like return on investment of marketing campaigns. Let’s take a look at each of the Lead 2 Patient Pipeline stages.


The first stage of the Surgery: Lead 2 Patient Pipeline is Lead. When a new lead is captured, an opportunity is automatically created in the pipeline. Automated new lead sources are defined as website forms, website chat widget, and paid ads. For organic inquiries, such as phone calls, texts, and social media messages, you must add a contact tag to create the opportunity. The opportunity status will be open. An Opportunity Value estimate can be assigned if the procedure of interest is known. The Lead is likely enrolled in the Automated Lead Nurture workflow.


The next stage of the pipeline is Pre-Qualify. Aesthetix CRM Grow accounts have access to Calendars to provide an option for leads to self-book an introductory call with the Patient Concierge representative assigned to the Lead. This is convenient for Leads who may not pick up a cold call due to a busy schedule. The purpose of the Pre-Qualify stage is to do just that, qualify the lead and get their surgeon consultation scheduled. The lead nurture sms & email templates for surgery typically include a link to schedule the call. When a meeting is booked on the calendar, it will stop the automated lead nurture and switch to appointment confirmation and reminder texts and emails for the contact and the assigned user. 

Consult Booked

When the surgeon consult is booked, you should move the opportunity to the Consult Booked stage. If your EMR is not integrated, there are two options for updating opportunity stage. 1) Clicking the correct stage in the inbox pipeline widget or 2) visiting the Pipeline, then dragging and dropping the opportunity card.

Consult Complete

When the surgery consultation is completed, you should move the opportunity to the Consult Complete stage. Aesthetix CRM offers automation for a Consult 2 Close drip sms & email campaign, which can be deployed via a contact tag post-consult, if desired. Your goal in this stage is to schedule the surgery.

Surgery Scheduled

When the surgery is officially scheduled, you should update the opportunity to this stage. Some integrated EMRs will do this automatically. 

Surgery Complete

When the surgery is officially complete, you should update the opportunity to this stage. Some integrated EMRs will do this automatically. Surgery Complete marks the Opportunity WON!


If the lead never replies or books from the initial lead nurture workflow, then the opportunity will move to the Cold stage of the pipeline automatically. Please Do NOT manually mark a contact as Cold simply if they have not replied to you because we want the contact to receive every touchpoint in the lead nurture workflow. After the Opportunity sits in the Cold pipeline stage for 60 days, then the contact will be enrolled in the Cold Re-Engagement workflow which sends an automated SMS & Email.

Not Good fit

The last stage of the pipeline is Not Good Fit. Simply put, If the contact is not a good fit, then you should manually mark them as “Not Good Fit” This will un-enroll them from communications.


Aesthetix CRM Pipeline Demo

Let’s walk through this in Aesthetix CRM. From the left-hand navigation menu, click Pipeline. In the top right, you can toggle between the Surgery and Non-Surgical pipelines. The cards you see are called Opportunities. Each Opportunity will be named the Contact Name. From the card view you will see the Opportunity Value, source, contact, duration in the pipeline stage, and date created. You can click to call, view conversations, see tags, add notes, add tasks from the opportunity card. If you click on the opportunity card, it will open additional details such as opportunity status, opportunity owner, and at the bottom you will see the Current Treatment of Interest. All very helpful information! From the Pipeline feature, you can Search Opportunities by name, Sort by Date Added or Deal Value. You may also FILTER Opportunities. If it ever appears you are missing opportunities, be sure to check that you do not accidentally have a Filter applied for Opportunity Status as some accounts default to only show Open opportunities. Although you see the ability to add an opportunity manually, we do not encourage you to do so here because we have a contact tag you can add to automate a lot of the data entry. This will be covered in a future lesson. That completes this lesson on the Lead 2 Patient Pipeline Overview.

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