How to Enable Email Address Verification When Sending the First Email to a Contact in AesthetixCRM

Ensure your emails reach the right inboxes by enabling email address verification when sending the first email to a contact in AesthetixCRM. This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up this feature, helping you maintain a clean email list and improve the deliverability of your campaigns. Ideal for users looking to enhance their email communication and reduce bounce rates within their CRM operations.

Allows you to attempt to verify an email address when it's the first email sent to a new contact. If the email address is marked as "Invalid," the email will not be sent until the address is verified.

The standard price for verifying email addresses is $0.0025 per verification attempt, deducted from your agency account or sub-account credits wallet.

1. Start by accessing the settings menu.

1 Click here.

2. Next, select your business profile to update info.

2 Next up, click on "Manage your business profile information & settings".

3. Then, head over to the general section.

3 Upload

4. Finally, Click here to "Verify email address when first email is sent to a new contact"

4 Upload
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