How to Create Custom Values in Aesthetix CRM

Enhance your data management by learning how to create custom values in Aesthetix CRM. This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up and configuring custom values, allowing you to tailor the CRM to your specific business needs. Discover how to use custom values to categorize and organize your data effectively, improving accuracy and ensuring your CRM reflects your unique operational requirements.

1. Start by accessing your settings.

1 To start, click on "Settings".

2. Next, navigate to the Custom Values section.

2 Then, click on "Custom Values".

3. Now, click to add a new custom value.

3 Click on "New Custom Value".

4. Begin entering the name for your custom value.

4 Click on the element.

5. Continue by specifying its value.

5 Click on the element.

6. Assign the custom value to a specific folder.

6 Upload

7. Finally, confirm by clicking 'Create' to finish.

7 Click on "Create".
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