Duplicate Contact Management: Controlling Redundancy in Aesthetix CRM

Learn how to manage duplicate contacts effectively in Aesthetix CRM with this comprehensive guide. Discover the step-by-step process to allow or prevent duplicate contacts, ensuring data integrity and accuracy in your CRM database. This tutorial provides clear instructions on configuring settings and implementing strategies to minimize redundancy and streamline contact management. Whether you're aiming to avoid clutter or maintain consistency, mastering duplicate contact control enhances efficiency and optimizes your CRM experience.

1. Begin by scrolling to view your dashboard settings.

1 Click here.

2. Next, locate and click on the 'Settings' option.

2 Then, click on the element.

3. Further navigate by clicking the 'Business Profile' tab.

3 Click on "Business Profile".

4. Scroll down to the section labeled 'General.'

4 After that, click on the element.

5. Directly underneath, click 'General' to proceed.

5 After, click on "General".

6. Lastly, check the box allowing duplicate contacts.

6 Click on the element.

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