Nextech & Aesthetix CRM: How to Update Contacts

It's easy to export contact data from Nextech and import it to Aesthetix CRM.

If you are using Nextech EMR, we recommend a regular data reconciliation process consisting of a simple export from that software and import into Aesthetix CRM. This article shows you how to import contacts from a Nextech export.

Video Tutorial


  1. Export Report from NextTech

  2. Format Excel File

    1. Download Template

    2. Format Date

    3. Confirm Email Address

    4. Save as .csv

  3. Import Contacts in Aesthetix CRM

    1. Map Fields

    2. Advanced: Uncheck don’t update empty values for existing records

    3. Enroll in Workflow: Next Appointment + Procedure Date

      • Updates Opportunities for Consult Booked and/or Surgery Scheduled

Benefits: Key Reasons to Sync Your Client Data to Aesthetix CRM

  • Update Contact Type from Lead to Patient

  • Update the Patient Lifetime Value

  • Improves Reporting for Lead Source Attribution

  • Enables Future Marketing Automation for Patient Engagement

  • Furthers Personalization

  • Can Create Bulk Actions such as Review Request submissions

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