Evolus Rewards Expiring Points Reminder Campaign Tutorial

Learn how to bring in all of your Evolus rewards members into Aesthetix CRM.

The video and written instructions below provide a step-by-step tutorial for how to import your Evolus members as contacts.

Export your Evolus Rewards & Import to Aesthetix CRM

  1. Export Members from Evolus

    • Login to Evolus and navigate to the Rewards sidebar

    • Click Rewards

    • Navigate to upcoming rewards and download XLSX file

  2. Reformat and Import Evolus Expiring Points Member CSV into Aesthetix CRM

    • Reformat XLSX file for expiring points to CSV as shown in video

    • Navigate to Contacts in Aesthetix CRM

    • Click Import Contacts and select the .csv file to upload.

    • Map fields for Name, Phone, and Reward Status

    • Click Don't Import Data of Unmatched Columns, then click next.

    • Name the Import

    • Click down to Advanced

      • Click off the checkmark for Don't update empty values

      • Add Evolus Rewards tag

      • Add new contacts to Evolus Expiring Points Reminder workflow

    • Click Submit and your Evolus members will be in your Aesthetix CRM contacts!

  3. Evolus Rewards Expiring Reminder

    • Trigger: Contact Field “Evolus Rewards Expiring” Has Changed

    • SMS:  found within the workflow

    • Email Template: Evolus Rewards Expiring Points

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