Preventing Your Emails from Landing in the Spam Folder

Email service providers may categorize your emails as spam for a multitude of reasons.

Preventing Your Emails from Landing in the Spam Folder

Email service providers may categorize your emails as spam for a multitude of reasons. This guide will illuminate the most frequent causes of this issue and provide strategies to rectify them.

Being aware of common triggers that could categorize your emails as spam could help ensure your messages are successfully delivered to their intended recipients, promoting smoother communication.

Use of Public Domains

Emails sent from free domains - for example, or - may be pushed into spam folders. You can sidestep this issue by sending emails from a proprietary domain that aligns with your branding.

Adherence to DMARC Policies

DMARC policy non-compliance could place your emails directly in the spam folder. If your email-sending domain utilizes a DMARC policy, but you haven't authenticated your domain with your SMTP provider, messages may be flagged as spam. A remedy for this is to confirm with your SMTP provider that your emails pass DMARC.

Maintaining List Health and Collection

With the technical aspects appropriately handled, the state of your mailing list and how you manage it critically affect your emails' deliverability. Ensure that:

  1. Your recipients have explicitly consented to receive your marketing emails.

  2. You periodically remove inactive subscribers from your list.

  3. Implement double opt-in for your forms to assure increased security.

Internal Mail Dispatch

Sending emails within the same domain they originate from may result in those messages landing in the spam folder. This is triggered when your email system detects a message from its own address that it did not send and interprets this as a spoofing attempt. By using a free email service like for test messaging or by asking your domain manager to whitelist the IP address of your SMTP provider for internal emails, you can avoid this issue.

By proactively addressing these typical problem areas, you can enhance the deliverability and effectiveness of your email campaigns, reducing the chances of incorrectly being marked as spam.

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