How to use form submissions

This guide will show you how to effectively use form submissions

This section is where your CRM collects and organizes all the data submitted through forms. From here, you can analyze, download, and delete form submission data.

1. Click "Marketing"

Click 'Marketing'

2. Click "forms"

Click 'forms'

3. Click "Forms"

Click 'Forms'

4. Click "Submissions"

Click 'Submissions'

5. Click here to customize "Date Range"

Choose the specific date range you want to analyze when looking at your form submissions.

Click here to customize 'Date Range'

6. Click here to refresh "Submission Data"

Easily update the submission data by clicking the refresh button at any time.

Click here to refresh 'Submission Data'

7. Click here to "Select form"

Pick any of your forms to analyze the submissions made on that particular form.

Click here to 'Select form'

8. Search Bar

Once you've selected a form, use the search bar to find specific submissions.

Search Bar

9. Submission Data

View all the data submitted by individuals who filled out the form.

Submission Data

10. Date Submitted

The top-right corner displays the date of each submission.

Date Submitted

11. Form Submission List

See a comprehensive list of all submissions for a specific form.

Form Submission List

12. Total Form Submissions

Get an overview of the total number of submissions received for a selected form.

Total Form Submissions

13. List Results Per Page

Adjust the number of submissions displayed per page by selecting a different total number.

List Results Per Page

14. Click here to "Download Individual Submission"

Each form submission is listed with essential information such as name, email, and date submitted. You can select individual or multiple submissions by clicking the checkboxes on the left side.

Click here to 'Download Individual Submission'

15. Click here to "Delete Selected Submissions"

If desired, you can delete selected form submissions. Be aware that once deleted, the data cannot be recovered.

Click here to 'Delete Selected Submissions'

16. Click here to "Download Selected Submissions"

You have the option to download all form submission data as a .pdf file. This allows you to share the data with clients or keep it securely stored on your computer.

Click here to 'Download Selected Submissions'
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