How to Duplicate or Copy a Workflow

This guide will show you how to duplicate or copy a workflow in your arm

If you want to save time by creating a new Workflow that is similar to an existing one, you can duplicate or clone the Workflow. This allows you to replicate the setup of the original Workflow without starting from scratch.

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "workflows"


3. Click here

Locate the Workflow you want to clone and click on the Clone/Copy icon on the right side.

Click here

4. Click "Duplicate Workflow"


5. Input "Name" of the workflow

In the popup window, provide a name for your new Workflow. Once you've named it, click "Create" to clone the Workflow.


6. Click "Create"


Now, you can start building or editing the cloned version by clicking into the newly cloned Workflow.

By following these steps, you can save time and work more efficiently by duplicating or cloning a Workflow.

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