FAQs: Inside community groups

This article will show you some frequently asked questions about inside community groups

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions: Can I program an automatic invitation for new CRM clients?

A: At this time, Communities does not offer automated invites. Though, it's a function we plan to incorporate later on. You can manually invite new clients by replicating and disseminating the group link.

Questions: I have a substantial list of prospective members. How can I invite them simultaneously?

A: You can welcome multiple members in one go by setting up a mass email or text message initiative that includes the group link. This facilitates easy access and participation in the community.

Questions:Can ordinary members invite others to the group, or is this exclusive to admins and owners?

A: Mostly, members can propagate the group link to others, serving as an implicit invitation. However, in order to manage the group membership, Admins and Owners can eliminate anyone they deem unfit for the group. The concept of Private Groups is a work in progress.

Questions: I've sent an invitation, but my invitee hasn't joined yet. Can I re-extend the invitation?

A: Certainly. There's a chance that the invitation was overlooked or the invitee hasn't found an opportunity to join yet. Simply re-send the group link to provide another chance for joining.

Questions: Can I customize the invitation for potential members?

A: The group link can be personalized within your CRM, email, or text message system. However, Communities is yet to support in-system customization of invitations.

Questions: What transpires when an invitee attempts to join the group?

A: When an invitee engages the group link, they're redirected to the group where they can file a joining request. They're auto-enlisted once they sign up.

Questions: Can I monitor who has accepted their invite and joined the group?

A: Absolutely, within the "People" tab in your group you can view an updated list of all group members, inclusive of newcomers. This allows you to examine membership and levels of engagement.

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