CRM actions - How to use add to workflow

Lean on how to use add to workflow

To publish workflows, it is necessary to establish both a workflow trigger and a workflow action. Without both components, you can only save the workflow without publishing it.

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "workflows"


3. Click "Create Workflow"


4. Click "Continue"


5. Click "Add your first action"


6. Select  "Add To Workflow"

This action enables you to add a contact to another workflow from the current workflow you are in.


7. Select "Workflow"

Choose the desired workflow to which you want to add the contact. You can add the contact to any workflow and duplicate this step to include the contact in multiple workflows.


8. Toggle switch to "Pass input trigger parameters"

Toggle this option on or off to specify whether or not to pass the input trigger parameters to the selected workflow.

Toggle switch to

9. Click "Save action"


10. "Add to workflow" is added

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