How to add company

This article will help you to create new companies and associate them in your CRM.

1. Click "Contacts"


2. Click "Agencies"


3. Click "New Company"

To create a new company within your CRM, navigate to the designated tab. This will direct you to a page where you can enter the necessary company information.


4. To add information for the new company

To add a new company to your system, you'll need to provide the necessary company information.

To add information for the new company

5. Search bar

If your system has a large number of companies, you can use the search bar to quickly find a specific company. Simply enter the company name in the search box and press enter. This will filter the list and display only the companies that match the search query.

Search bar

6. Agencies

To see all of the companies that you have created in the system, go to the designated tab. This will provide you with a comprehensive list of all the companies you have added


7. Phone

In the company list, you can view the phone number associated with each company. This information is helpful in identifying and contacting specific companies in your system.


8. Email

In the company list, you can easily view the email address associated with each company. This information is important in keeping track of and communicating with your business contacts.


9. Created by

In the company list, you can determine which member of your team created each entry. This is valuable information, especially if you have multiple team members working on the same CRM.

Created by

10. Created date

In the company list, you can see the date when each entry was added to the system. This information is essential in tracking the timeline of your company data and keeping records up to date.

Created date

11. Actions

The three-dot menu located next to each company entry provides several actions that can be performed.


Click "Edit company"

Click on "Edit" to make changes to a company's existing information. Once you've made your changes, be sure to save them.


Click "Delete company"

Use the "Delete" option to remove a company from your CRM.

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