Quick overview of the membership products area

This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to manage products

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "Memberships"


3. Click "Products"

The section dedicated to "Membership Product" allows you to modify both your information and framework.


4. Filter

In case you wish to quickly locate a specific product among others, simply search for its name.


5. Sort Filter

To sort the product accordingly, you need to click on the "Sort" drop-down menu.

Sort Filter

6. Creating Product

By simply clicking the "Create Product" button, you have the ability to construct a course module, a membership product, and even tailor your own content.

Creating Product

7. Product Templates

This space allows for the addition of various modules and categories. Additionally, one can add more posts and sub-categories, and have the ability to edit content, thumbnails, and control publishing options such as draft locking and drip release.

Product Templates
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