How to Check Opportunity Status of a Lead and Mark BOOKED in the Pipeline 👀

This article shows how to check the opportunity status of a lead in Aesthetix CRM to ensure the contact receives proper communications.

In the Video Tutorial below, you will learn how to check the opportunity status of a lead in Aesthetix CRM to ensure the contact receives proper communications.

When you click on a contact conversation, you will see the pipeline widget at the top with the five Lead to Patient pipeline stages: Lead, Booked, Patient, Cold, and Not Good Fit. It's important to ensure that this reflects where the contact is within your sales pipeline.

If a lead took the action to book, and your scheduling system is not integrated with Aesthetix CRM, then you need to manually click BOOKED in the pipeline widget to update their status. This will prevent the contact from receiving follow-up messages out of context.

You may check a contact's automation enrollment by scrolling down to the Campaigns / Workflows section of the contact card to reveal Active and Past workflows. If you wish to un-enroll the contact from a Workflow, simply click the X. If you wish to enroll them in a new automation, you may select a new active campaign via the +Add button.

How to Check Opportunity Status of a Lead and Mark BOOKED in the Pipeline 👀 - Watch Video

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