How to create a Pipeline

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a pipeline

1. Click "Pipelines"


2. Click "Pipelines"


3. Click "Create new pipeline"


4. Pipeline Name

When creating a new pipeline, it's essential to assign names that reflect their purpose or the source of the leads.

Pipeline Name

5. Stage Name

Each pipeline is composed of several "Stages" that reflect unique steps in your overall process. You should label your stages according to the particular phase of the process that your leads or customers are in. For instance, in a sales pipeline, stages such as "New leads," "Registered," and "Paid" can be utilized.

Stage Name

6. Pipeline Pie Chart Action

Toggling this button allows you to choose whether to display this pipeline stage in your CRM dashboard pie charts for reporting purposes, or hide it from view.

Pipeline Pie Chart Action

7. Pipeline Funnel Chart Action

Toggling this button enables you to choose whether to display this pipeline stage in your CRM dashboard funnel charts for reporting purposes, or hide it from view.

Pipeline Pie Chart Action

8. Delete Stage Action

To delete a stage, click on the garbage can icon. Please note that once you delete a stage, it will be permanently removed from the pipeline.

Delete Stage Action

9. Add Stage

To add a new stage, click on the "+ Add Stage" button and give the stage an appropriate name.

Add Stage

10. Visible in Funnel Chart

Toggling this button allows you to choose whether to display this stage in your CRM dashboard funnel charts for reporting purposes, or hide it from view.

Visible in Funnel Chart

11. Visible in Pie Chart

Toggling this button allows you to choose whether to display this stage in your CRM dashboard pie charts for reporting purposes, or hide it from view.

Visible in Pie Chart

12. Click "Save"

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