How to Manage and Update Your AI Knowledge Base

Learn how to update and manage your knowledge base to inform your AI chat assistant.

Check out the video walk-through or article below for editing your knowledge base and making your AI Assistant smarter!

How to Manage Your Aesthetix AI Knowledge Base

Access Google Sheet Knowledgebase

Following checkout of the Aesthetix AI Assistant, you will receive an email with a link to a Google Sheet knowledge base. This Google Sheet is the customizable knowledge base for your practice AI Chat Assistant.

The Aesthetix AI Chat Assistant sources answers to common questions using Open AI Chat GPT and GPT3 in addition to our backend programming. However, for unique characteristics of your practice, use the Google Sheet to "train" the AI assistant on how you would like it to respond.

Personalize Knowledge Base

Do NOT edit the top row of the spreadsheet. You must leave Cells A1 (Contact) and B1 (Assistant) exactly as shown. These fields are crucial for our AI program to read the columns correctly. Do not add any new columns or reformat the spreadsheet layout in any way. You should only edit existing questions and responses, or add new questions and responses in corresponding rows.

The Knowledge Base is pre-loaded with common questions that require a unique response about your aesthetic practice. Column A (Contact) represents unique questions contacts may ask that require a customized response specific to your aesthetic practice. Column B (Assistant) provides the information your AI Assistant will reference when answering the corresponding contact question.

Required Task: Review the Contact questions in Column A and input a corresponding assistant response in Column B.

You may add additional Contact questions in Column A for up to 100 questions. Address common but unique topics, such as questions about pricing because these are important to your contacts and vary greatly per practice.

Manage Responses & Update Knowledge Base

We recommend reviewing the conversations your Aesthetix AI Assistant has with contacts to ensure the AI is answering in an accurate manner. You may view these from the Aesthetix CRM Inbox in Recents or All Conversations.

If you would like to change the way the AI Assistant responds, you can easily add the contact question to the Google Sheet Knowledge Base and customize the response in the assistant cell. Your AI Assistant will follow your lead. Just make sure to write the answer as a professional and complete response because the Aesthetix AI Chat Assistant will follow the information provided in the Assistant column very closely.

Custom Values

The Aesthetix AI Assistant is provided the below custom values about your practice in the backend during setup, so there is no need to add them additionally to the Google Sheet knowledge base.

  1. Booking Link

  2. Assistant Name

  3. Online Scheduling Link

  4. Practice Name

  5. Services Offered

Enjoy managing your Aesthetix AI Assistant using your personal practice knowledge base!

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