How to track orders form

This guide provides instructions to track orders

1. Click "Invoices"


2. Click "Orders"


3. Orders Form

Orders Form

4. Customers Name

Customers who placed orders will be displayed here.

Customers Name

5. Source

The source of the order will be displayed here.


6. Item

List of items purchased by each customer will be displayed here.


7. Order Date

This section displays the date when the order was placed.

Order Date

8. Amount

This section displays the purchased amount for each item/order


9. Status

This section displays the Order`s status, indicating whether it`s "Pending", "Complete", or "Cancelled".


10. Select "Start Date"

To search for orders, Select the START DATE for your Date Range


11. Select "End Date"

To filter orders, Select the END DATE for your Date Range


12. Search Bar

Search Bar

13. Filter by Status

To Filter Orders, Click Here and Select the status; All, Pending, Completed, and Canceled

Filter by Status

14. Filter by Payment Mode

To filter Orders, Select Specific Payment mode

Filter by Payment Mode

15. Filter by Source Type

To filter Orders, Select Specific Source type

Filter by Source Type

16. Click here to "Download list"

Used this button "Download" , to download orders list

Click here to
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