How to create coupons

This article will help you on how to create coupons in your CRM.

1. Click "Inbox"


2. Click "Coupons"


3. Click "Create Coupon"


4. Create Coupon


5.Input "Coupon Name"

When it comes to coupons, proper identification is key. Coupon names are used for internal purposes to refer to and relate to coupons. Unique coupon names are not required for every coupon, but we highly recommend using them to ensure proper identification.

To create a coupon name, here are some conventions to follow:

  • Use a name that accurately describes the coupon's discount, such as "Flash Sale" or "% Off."

  • Keep it simple by using easily understood words and avoiding special characters or symbols.

  • For better tracking, use a unique identifier like a date or a location code for each coupon name.

By following these coupon naming conventions, you'll be able to identify and track your coupons efficiently


6. Click "Generate Code"


7. Select "Coupon Type"

here are two types of coupons you can use to offer discounts:

  1. Percentage Coupon: This type of coupon offers a percentage-based discount on the order value.

  2. Fixed Coupon: With this type of coupon, you can offer a fixed discount amount, regardless of the order value.

Choose the coupon type that best suits your promotion and offer your customers irresistible deals.


8. Input "Discount Offered"


9. Select "Start Date"

Choose the coupon start date: This is the date when the coupon discount will begin to apply once the prospect enters the coupon code in the system.

Click here

10. Select "Start Time"

Specify the exact time of day: For example, you can choose a time frame from 00:01 on January 1st to 23:59 on January 2nd.


11. Select "End Date"

Select the coupon end date: Simply click on the end date and a calendar will appear for you to choose the desired date.

Click here

12. Select "End Time"

Choose the coupon end time: Specify the time when you want the coupon offer to end.


13. Input "the  total number of time the coupon can be redeemed" if checkbox is checked

Restrict the number of coupon redemptions: You can set a limit on the total number of successful redemptions for the coupon code. This only includes successful redemptions, regardless of the number of users who redeem the coupon code. The list view displays the total number of successful redemptions to date.


14. Select "Product" if checkbox is checked

Restrict coupon usage to specific products: With this feature, you can limit the use of the coupon to selected products only. For example, if you specify product A, then the coupon can only be applied to product A.


15. Click "Create" to save changes


16. List of Created Coupon

List of Created Coupon
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