How to build a membership course product

This guide will walk you through the process of building a membership course product without missing any important steps.

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the Marketing section


2. Click "Memberships"


3. Click "Products"

Choose the Products tab.


4. Click "Create Product"


5. Click "Start Building"


6. Input "Name of the product" then click "Create product"

First, come up with a name for the course you are going to create. Once you have decided on a name, click "Create Product" to save it. Your newly created product course will then be displayed. From here, you have several options: edit, preview, customize, or clone the course. Additionally, you can assign a price value to the course.


7. Click here to "Create Category"

To include or generate a category for your product, simply click on the (+) icon next to the Product Structure. After providing a title, save the category!

Click here to

8. Created category


9. Click "Add Lesson"

Don't forget to title each lesson you create when deciding to include lessons in your Product.


10. Click "Preview"

To see how your lesson will appear once it goes live, simply click on the Preview button.


11. Click "Select Video"

If you want to upload a new video, click on "Select Video" and choose a file in one of the supported formats, which are .mp4, .webm, and .mov.


12. Post Details

This section includes the Lesson title, Category of the lesson, and the lesson body. 

Post Details

13. Select "Visibility"

Once you're done editing your lesson, switch to Publish mode from Draft. 


14. Product thumbnail

Your members will see this image when they view each lesson. We recommend the dimensions of 1280x720. To add an image, click on "Select Image" and upload a file from your device. If you need to delete an uploaded image, simply click "Remove" on the right side of the "Select Image" button. 

Product thumbnail

15. Click "Add Files"

If you need to upload any additional files or information, this is the place to do so. 


16. Click "Save"

Make sure to save your work before you finish!


17. Click "Add Subcategory"

You have the option of including subcategories and including the title.


18. Title

Enter the title of this subcategory.


19. Add Description

Provide a brief description of the content included in this subcategory.

Add Description

20. Add Parent Category

Indicate the main category that this subcategory is related to.

Add Parent Category

21. Click "Content"

Choose between a lesson or an assessment as the content for this section.


22. Select "Visibility"

Once you have finished editing your lesson, you can switch to Publish mode from Draft. You may choose to lock the subcategory or switch to Drip mode.


23. Add product thumbnail

This image represents the subcategory and will be displayed to your members. The recommended dimensions are 1280x720. To add an image, click on the "Select Image" button and upload a new file from your device. If necessary, you can remove an uploaded image by clicking on "remove" next to the "Select Image" button.

Add product thumbnail

24. Click "Save"


25. Add Assessment

By using this feature, you can incorporate Assessment into your product.

Add Assessment

26. Select Assessment type

You have the option to select either a Quiz or an Assignment as your form of assessment, and be sure to include a title.

Select Assessment type

27. Select "Quiz"

Create your quiz questions and specifications in this section.


28. Title

Enter the quiz title in the provided space.


29. Passing grade

Make sure to set a passing grade requirement if desired and input the designated passing grade.

Passing grade

30. Pass Confirmation/Fail confirmation message

Prepare a congratulatory message for those who pass and a "Try Again" message for those who fail.

Pass Confirmation/Fail confirmation message

31. Quiz Question and Answer

Be sure to craft a comprehensive set of questions. You have the choice of selecting single or multiple-choice type questions with corresponding answer options. Be sure to mark the option that contains the correct answer.

Quiz Question and Answer

32. Click "Draft"

Save your quiz as a draft if you're still working on it and later publish it when it's ready.


33. Click "Preview"

You'll be able to review your quiz by clicking on the Preview button.


34. Click "Save"

To avoid losing your work, save your progress frequently.


35. Click "Delete"

If you decide to remove the entire quiz, click the Delete button, but don't forget that a prompt will appear requesting your confirmation before deleting permanently.


36. Select "Assignment"

You can arrange your queries for your members in the Assignment section.


37. Add Title

Enter the title of your assignment below.

Add Title

38. Add Instructions

Please provide instructions for completing the assignment below.

Add Instructions

39. Upload template

Please upload your assignment template in one of the accepted file types (.jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, or .xls)

Upload template

40. Add Confirmation Message

Your submission has been received. Please see the next steps below.

Add Confirmation Message

41. Draft/publish

You can save your assignment as a draft if you are not finished, and publish it when you are ready.


42. Preview

Click on the preview button to view your completed assignment.


43. Save

Remember to save your changes to avoid losing your work.


44. Delete

To delete the entire assignment, click on the delete button. You will be prompted to confirm before permanently deleting.


45. More Actions

You have the option to edit and preview your lessons, subcategories, and assessments, or you may choose to switch them to different visibility modes.

Click here to "Clone/Delete"

You can clone or delete your product by clicking on the 3-dot menu next to the preview button. When you select "clone", a popup notification will appear allowing you to either clone the course in your current CRM account or in multiple locations within your CRM. Select the location you prefer and click "Clone".

Click here to

46. Click here to "preview"

To preview your product, click on the preview button located in the upper right corner of the outline page. 

Click here to

47. Published

Once you've finished editing, you can make your product live by clicking on the publish mode.


48. Draft

In draft mode, you can make as many edits to your product as you want without it going live until you're ready for it to be published. 


49. Locked

If you have more than one product structure category, you can lock each category until the visitor completes the preceding category. To do this, click on the "Locked" icon and select the post from the preceding category that the visitor needs to mark as complete before gaining access to the next category. 


50. Drip

You can set a specific number of days for visitors to access your product through drip mode. Simply select the number of days the visitor has to complete each category. 



Edit/update title

You have the freedom to modify the course name anytime by typing it into the provided title box.

Edit/update title

52. Add description

For the Description, a concise one-liner about your product can be added to give members a glimpse of what to expect. This will be visible on the product welcome page and can be previewed or viewed upon publishing by clicking "Preview" or "Go To Product".

Add description

53. Add image for thumbnail

The Product Thumbnail serves as the image displayed for members to view in their library, with the recommended size being 1280x720. Uploading an image can be done by selecting the "Select Image" button and uploading a new file from your device. To remove an uploaded image, simply click on "remove" located on the right side of the "Select image" button.

Add image for thumbnail


Add Heading

Enter the desired header text in this section. For instance, you may use "Instructor".

Add Heading

55. Add Image for headshot

The instructor's photo will be visible to course members. Please use 300x300 as the recommended dimensions. To add a new image, click on "Select Image," and upload the file from your device. If you need to remove any uploaded image, you can click on "Remove" on the right side of the "Select image" button.

Add Image for headshot

56. Add Name

Enter the instructor's name or preferred name here. This name will be visible to course members.

Add Name

57. Add Title

Add the instructor's job title in this section, for example, "Coach."

Add Title

58. Add Bio

Use this section to write a brief biography of the instructor. You can add up to 1000 words.

Add Bio

59. Add Logo Image

When you upload a logo image, it will appear on the top left corner of the course page. Please use 640x640 as the recommended dimensions.

Add Logo Image

60. Add Favicon Image

When you add a favicon image, it will be visible on the tab alongside the course page title. The recommended dimensions are 32x32.

Add Favicon Image


You have the option to insert your own personalized JS, CSS, and Tracking Code on this platform.

62. Click "Customize"


63. Select "Theme"

To personalize your product page, simply click on the "Customize" icon. This will take you to the customization page where you'll be able to modify the Theme Layout of your course.


64. Click here to "Preview/Edit/View checkout page"

To view the offer(s) associated with this product, simply click on the Offer button. To attach an offer, head over to the Membership Offer section and link it with your product. Additionally, you can preview, edit, or view the Checkout page.

Click here to

65. Click "Offer details"

The details of the offer can be edited including the banner, video, poster image, logo image, and checkout copy.


66. Click "Extra Contract Info"

Additional contact information such as address and phone number can be collected by enabling the feature.


67. Click "Service Agreement"

The service agreement can be made mandatory or optional, and the text of the agreement can also be personalized.


68. Click "Comments"


69. Click "View all"

To see all comments made on the lessons and assessments, click on the View All button. This includes deleted comments as well. Check out our Previous Membership Products and Next Membership Offers for more information.

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