How to import contacts

This guide explains how to import contacts

1. Click "Contacts"

Select the "Contacts" option.


2. Click "Actions"

Click on "Actions".


3. Click "Import"


4. Upload a File

Select the "Upload a file or drag and drop" option, and ensure that the CSV file is of supported size.

Upload a File

5. MAP

You have the ability to align the column from the imported file with the suitable contact field in the system. Additionally, there is an option to preview the aligned information in the preview column.


6. CLICK "Don't import data in unmatched columns"

In case you have any column(s) that do not match, you must select the "Don't import data in unmatched column" option to proceed to the following step. Unless you check this option, you cannot proceed to the next step.


7. Details

This is the last step for importing contacts.

8. Input "Import Name"

You have the option to either keep the default name or customize it when importing the contact.


9. Click "Create a list of contacts from the import"

By selecting this checkbox, you have the option to generate a fresh contact list through your import.


10. Click "Advanced"

Within the Advanced Settings, there is the option to determine how to handle the contact within the CSV file, with two possible choices:


11. Add New and Update Existing Contact Records

At this point, you have the option to create a fresh list for your new contacts and simultaneously refresh your current contacts list in your CRM by incorporating them.

Add New and Update Existing Contact Records

12. Add New Contact Records

The option to create a new list and add the contacts is the only available one.


13. Click "Find Existing Contact Records"

The merging of new contacts is restricted to the existing contacts only.


14. Find Existing Contacts Based on (Primary)

When merging or updating your contact list, you have the option to skip existing contacts that have the same phone number as the primary one, or to include them.


One option is to check the box to exclude updating blank values for pre-existing records.


15. Add Tags

Here, you have the option to either search for existing tags or create new ones to attach to the contacts.


16. Add to workflow

Choose the option to add new and update existing contact records.


17. Click "Submit"

Click Click
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