How to use bullet list with the funnel builder

This guide will help you how to use and customize bullet list in funnel builder

The Bullet list is a useful tool for displaying the contents of a page in a clear and concise manner. 

1. Click "Marketing"


2. Click "funnels"


3. Select "Bullet List" then Drag


Then Drop


4. Input "Element Name/Title"

This option displays the default name/title of the edit option you are working on. You can choose to leave it as is or rename it.


5. Select "Background Color"

You can change the background color of a specific edit option such as the section, row, column, or elements by clicking on the content and adjusting its color.


6. Select "Opacity"

You can control the extent to which your text/content fades in each element box by adjusting the opacity from none to heavy fade.


7. Select "Text Shadow"

Add a shadow to your text/content by selecting the desired thickness or lightness. 


8. Select "Letter Spacing"

Adjust the spacing between your letters to your preference. 


9. Select "Text Align"

Move your text to the left, center, right, or justify it.


10. Select "Text Shadow"


11. Click here to Adjust "Mobile Font Size or Desktop Font Size"

Adjust the font sizes of your text/content for both mobile and desktop viewers.


12. Select "Typography type"

Choose the font type for your text/content.


13. Select "Icon"

Add an icon to your page from a selection of available options, or type in your desired icon in the search bar. 


14. Customize "Color Options"

Edit the color of your text/content, including bold, italic, underline, link, and icon colors.


15. Spacing Options

Choose from different spacing options to adjust your content. The settings will only be applied to the specific edit option you are working on. 

Click here to adjust "Padding Left, Right, Top, Bottom"

Move your content to the left, right, top, or bottom by toggling the corresponding toggle bar.


Click here to adjust "Margin Top, Bottom"

Adjust the top or bottom margin of your content.


16. Click "Advanced"


17. Select "Border"

Upon selecting a border type, the border settings will appear, allowing you to choose the desired style.


18. Select "Border Style"

You have the option to choose from three (3) different styles for your border: solid, dashed, or dotted.


19. Select "Border Width"

Increasing the border width results in a thicker border.


20. Select "Border Color"

To modify the border's color, simply click on the color icon.


21. Select "Border Radius"

To adjust the curvature of the border, increase the radius setting - the higher the number, the more curved it becomes.

22. Select "Radius Edge"

You can choose which corners of the border to curve - all edges, only the top, or only the bottom.

23. Click here to Adjust "Line height"

Increase the line height to adjust the height of the element box.

24. Select "Text transform"

You can transform the text to uppercase, lowercase, or capitalize each word using the Text Transform feature.

25. Select "Visibility"

Control the page's visibility on desktop and mobile by selecting the desired option.

26. Input "Class Name"

To add a custom class, press enter or the space bar.

27. Click here to copy "CSS Selector"

Copy a CSS selector by clicking on the "copy" icon next to the reference number.

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