Overview and Settings of Funnel Builder

This article will walk you through the steps on how to use funnel builder - overview and settings

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the Marketing tab.


2. Click "funnels"

Select the Funnels option.


3. Overview

Welcome to the Editor's section of our Funnel/Website! Here, you have various options to create and customize your page. You can choose from the Section (GREEN), Row (BLUE), Column (LILAC), and Element (ORANGE) editing features to achieve your desired design.

Orange Border

Orange Border

Lilac border


Blue border


Green border


4. Click to "Preview Custom Codes"


5. Click "SEO Meta Data"


Add "Title"

When creating an SEO page, it is important to give it a specific and descriptive name. In order to save your work, you must type in a title for the page.


Add "Description"

In addition to the title, it is also mandatory to fill out the description box when creating an SEO page. This box allows you to provide a short and concise summary of what your page is about.


Add "Keywords"

Adding common keywords to your SEO page can help improve its visibility and increase organic traffic to your site. By including relevant keywords that your target audience is likely to search for, you can increase the chances of your funnel page appearing in their search results. This can be done by adding the keywords in the designated field when creating your SEO page. Make sure to choose keywords that accurately represent your page content and are frequently searched by your target audience.


Add "Author"

When creating a Funnel/Website, it is important to include the name of the owner of the funnel


Add "Image"

Adding an image or logo to your SEO page can help it stand out and make a strong first impression on your target audience


Custom Meta tag

To customize the Meta tags for your SEO page, you can click on the "+All" button and enter the name and content of the tag in the designated fields provided.

Custom Meta tag

SEO Preview

After creating your SEO page, it is essential to preview it to ensure that everything is in order before publishing it. To preview your SEO page, scroll down below the "SEO Preview" button. This will give you a sneak peek of what your website looks like.

SEO Preview

6. Click "Pop up"

To add a popup to your funnel or website, simply click on the popup button. This will provide you with several options to customize the popup according to your preferences. You can also edit the popup by clicking on the "Open Popup Settings" button.


"Pop up settings"

7. Click "Background"


Select Background color

To modify the background color of your website, you can choose from the range of colors available on the page editor. In case you cannot find the desired color, you have the option to add a custom color by clicking on the drop-down menu labelled "Didn't find your color? Add custom one!"

Select Background color

Select Background Image

8. Click "Typography"

You can easily change the text and link color from the default black or blue to any color of your choice. However, it's important to note that you cannot have multiple colors for the text; you can only change the entire text to a particular color.

Additionally, you can also customize the font size of your headlines and content to create a unique visual identity for your website.


Click here to customize "Headline Font"

Click here to customize

Click here to customize "Content Font"

Click here to customize

Click here to customize "Text Color"

Click here to customize

Click here to customize "Link Color"

Click here to customize

9. Click "Custom CSS"


Custom CSS

Custom CSS

10. Click "Tracking Code"


Click here for "Header Code"

Click here for

Click here for "Footer Code"

Click here for

11. Click "Pages"


List of "Pages"

12. Click "Layers"


List of "Layers"

List of

13. Click here to show "Elements"


Inside "Elements"


14. Desktop view

To make your Funnel/Website accessible on both mobile devices and desktops, go to the Overview page and toggle between the Phone and Desktop icon located in the upper left corner. This will ensure that your page can be viewed and accessed by a wider audience.

Desktop view

15. Mobile view

To make your Funnel/Website accessible on both mobile devices and desktops, go to the Overview page and toggle between the Phone and Desktop icon located in the upper left corner. This will ensure that your page can be viewed and accessed by a wider audience.

16. Click here to "Undo or Redo"

You can also click on the "Undo and Redo" arrows to edit changes.

Click here to

17. Versions

To review previous changes made to your page, click on the "Version" button located in the upper right corner of the screen. This will allow you to see all the previous versions of your page and revert back to a previous version if needed.


18. Preview

In addition to the "Version" button, you will also find the "Preview" button located next to it. Simply click on this button to view how your Funnel/Website will look when it is published and accessible on the web. This allows you to ensure that everything is working properly and make any necessary changes before making your page live.


19. Click here to "Save"

It is important to always save your changes to avoid losing any progress you have made. This can be done by clicking on the "Save" button, which is typically located somewhere on the page or in the top menu bar. Remember to save frequently to ensure that your work is always up-to-date and protected.

Click here to
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