How to use funnels steps tab

This section will guide you through the process of modifying the Step tab of a Funnel.

1. Click "Marketing"

Click on the "Marketing" option.


2. Click "funnels"

Click on the "funnels" option.


3. Funnel Header

On this page, you'll come across a header with several sections to select from. Each section serves a unique purpose for your Sales Funnels.

Funnel Header

4. Funnel Steps

Funnel steps play a role in helping customers accomplish a call-to-action, such as booking appointments. In the "Steps" section, you can create new Funnel pages, arrange your Funnel steps, and add products to your Funnel.

Funnel Steps

5. List of Created Funnel Steps

List of Created Funnel Steps

6. Click here to "Add funnel step"

In order to begin constructing your Funnel, you'll need to add a new Funnel step.

Click here to

8. Name Your Funnel Step

When creating a new Funnel step, make sure to give it an appropriate name. It's crucial to establish consistent naming conventions for your Funnel steps to keep things organized. As you create more Funnel steps, maintaining an organized structure will become increasingly important!

Name Your Funnel Step

9. Establish Funnel Path

You can assign a unique URL path to your Funnel step, or simplify things by naming the URL path the same as the Funnel step name. Keep in mind that adding a URL path is mandatory in order to save your new Funnel step.

Establish Funnel Path

10. Import From ClickFunnels (Optional)

While not mandatory, you have the option to import Funnels directly from ClickFunnels! If you've already created numerous Funnels and content within ClickFunnels, no need to worry! Just add the Funnel URL in this section.

Import From ClickFunnels (Optional)

11. Overview Tab

You can access the editing options for each Funnel step by clicking into them via the Overview tab

Overview Tab

12. Products Tab

In the Products tab, you can generate one-time products or include subscription products in your Funnel. Click here to know more about how to add products to your Funnel pages!

Products Tab

13. Publishing Tab

The Publishing tab allows you to change the name and URL path of your Funnel step. There are various ways to navigate to the Publishing tab, including using buttons within the view.

Publishing Tab

14. Build/Edit Funnel Step

To begin creating and editing Funnel steps, you'll need to click on this button. Doing so will open up a complete webpage builder!

Build/Edit Funnel Step

15. Preview In Web Browser

This particular button allows you to view a preview of your Funnel step without affecting your analytics and conversion metrics. It opens in a new browser tab.

Preview In Web Browser

16. Edit Funnel Name & Path

This button also leads you to the Publishing tab to alter Funnel step name and URL path.

Edit Funnel Name & Path

17. Clone Funnel Step

To save time, you can duplicate Funnel steps! You can clone the steps within the same CRM location or across different accounts if you manage multiple locations.

Clone Funnel Step

18. Delete Funnel Step

You can delete Funnel steps from this menu. Keep in mind, once a Funnel step is deleted, it cannot be retrieved

Delete Funnel Step
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