How to Add Products in Websites

This guide will show you how to add products to your website

1. Click "Marketing"

Access the Marketing section


2. Click "funnels"

Select Funnels from the options


3. Click "Websites"


4. Click "sample website Version 2"

Select website


5. Click here

Click here

6. Click "Products"


7. Click "Add product"

Click on the "Add product" button to add a new product.


8. Select "Products"

To add a product to your funnel, first select the desired product. If you haven't already created a product, please visit the Payment -> Product section for guidance on how to do so. Once the product has been created, you can easily add it to your funnel.


9. Input "Product Name"

When setting up your product, you have the option to enter the name that you want it to be displayed as. This selected name will appear on the customer's order form.


10. Price Display Override

To customize the price displayed on the Order form, use the "Price display override" feature. If your product includes a trial and setup fee, it's important that you set up a Price Display Override to provide an accurate description on the form. Without this override, only the subscription amount will be displayed. For instance, you can include a description such as: "$5 Setup Fee + $199 Monthly After 7 Days Free Trial".

Price Display Override

11. Click here to "Allow multiple QTY"

Click here to

12. Bump Product

If the product is not a primary product in your funnel, you can sell it as a "Bump Product" by turning on the Bump product option.

Bump Product

13. Click to "Save"

Click to

14. Product Tab

15. Product Name

The name of the product can be found here.

16. Internal Product ID

This number represents the Product ID, which you can use to track and manage your product within the CRM.

17. Amount

The amount that you have set for this product to be charged will be displayed here.

18. Type

This section displays the payment type that you have selected for the product, whether it's a one-time payment or a recurring payment type.

19. Last Updated

The date of the latest update for this product will be displayed here.

20. Click "Edit"

To make changes to your product, you can click on the "edit" icon located here.

21. Click "Delete"

If you wish to delete the product, you can click on the "delete" icon located here. Please note that this action is irreversible and will result in the product being permanently removed. If the product is integrated with any funnel, the funnel will also be disabled. To confirm the deletion, please type 'DELETE' in the space provided.

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