How to use website sales tab

This guide will show you how to access sales data

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the Marketing section.


2. Click "funnels"

Select the Funnels option.


3. Click "Websites"

Navigate to the Websites section.


4. Click "sample website Version 2"

Select Website


5. Click "Sales"

Select the Sales option.


6. Page View Filter

o adjust the number of data displayed on a page, simply click on the drop-down menu and choose from the available options: 10, 25 or 100.

Page View Filter

7. Download

To obtain the Sales data, click the download button and save the file. The data will be downloaded in CSV format.


8. Sales List

Sales List

9. Customer

The "Customer" column displays the names of all individuals who have purchased your products or services.


10. Email

This column displays the email addresses of customers who have purchased your products or services.


11. Product Name

In this column, you can view the names of all products or services that have been purchased by your customers.

Product Name

12. Transaction ID

The "Transaction ID" column displays the unique identifier for each transaction involving a product or service purchased by a customer.

Transaction ID

13. Amount

This column shows the price at which each customer purchased your products or services.


14. Step

The "Step" column indicates the type or category of the product or service being purchased by the customer


15. Purchase Date

The "Date and Time" column displays the exact date and time at which each purchase transaction was made by the customer.

Purchase Date
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