Opportunities Cards

This guide will walk you through the process of navigating the Opportunities section Here is a summary of the Opportunities tab. This section allows you to sort your fresh opportunities into specific pipelines and monitor their progress through the complete sales cycle.

1. Click "Pipeline"

Navigate to the Pipeline section.


2. Click Here and Drag

Opportunity cards give you the power to manage and streamline your pipelines of potential customers, leads, and other opportunities, regardless of which stage they are at in the sales funnel. Just Click and Drag the opportunities you want to move

Click Here and Drag

3. Then Drop

To move an opportunity to a different stage, simply drag and drop the corresponding opportunity card to the desired stage.

Then Drop

4. Click "Search opportunity"

To quickly locate a particular opportunity, you can use the search bar. Simply type in the name of the opportunity or any relevant contact details and hit search. The system will then display all the opportunities with matching search terms for easy access and better organization.

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