Facebook Post Failed to Publish

We've identified the most common errors that you may encounter while publishing content to Facebook, causing your content to not appear. Some of these errors include:

1. Abusive/Reported Content/Link Goes Against Community Standards

Your message cannot be sent due to containing content that other users have reported as abusive or inappropriate for the platform's standards. Your content cannot be shared due to containing a link that does not comply with Facebook's Community Standards.

2. Error Validating Access Token:

Your access token to Facebook has expired, resulting in the session being invalidated. Possible reasons for this could be a change in the admin's password or a security measure from Facebook. If you have changed your account password or have not posted on Facebook in the past 90 days from Social Planner, this error could occur.

3.Two-Factor Authentication

If the business page you are managing has enabled two-factor authentication, you must enable it on your account level as well. Once enabled, reconnect your account to avoid encountering this error. Please note that in order to impersonate a page, the user must hold at least one of the following roles: administrator, editor, or moderator.

4.'Manage_Permissions' Must be Granted

If you are encountering this error message while publishing content to your client's social media pages even though they added you as an administrator, it's possible that your account doesn't have the necessary administration access to those social media pages. When connecting your account, make sure to grant 'manage_permissions' to the Pages section to avoid encountering this error and successfully publish your posts.

5.Missing or Invalid Image

If you have scheduled a social media post and the link you shared with an image is no longer accessible, this error message may appear.

6. An Unknown Error Occurred

If you encounter this error message, it's possible that your Facebook page access token does not have enough permissions to publish content. This can result in intermittent successes and failures in publishing your posts. To resolve this issue, try reconnecting your pages and ensure that you have granted all necessary permissions while connecting your Facebook page.

7.The URL You Supplied is Invalid or Cannot be Posted

If you receive this error message, it's possible that Facebook is unable to index the link you included in your post due to overloaded servers. This often happens during the time of the initial request. However, Facebook will likely index the link eventually, so trying to publish again a few minutes later usually resolves the issue.

8. Unable to Reconnect a Page/Group

When attempting to reconnect a page or group within the Social Planner tab, it is important to use the same social media account that originally connected the page or group.

locations settings > integrations > Disconnect, then reconnect Social pages where you are seeing expired tokens

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