Creating New/Adding Trigger Links in Your CRM

Trigger links can be integrated into your system so that when a lead or customer clicks on a specific link, a designated action occurs. There are several ways to utilize trigger links, with the most common being in campaigns, emails, funnels, and websites. This article will assist you in creating and integrating trigger links into your CRM.

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the Marketing section.


2. Click "Trigger Links"


3. Click "Add Link" button

To create a new trigger link, click on this button.


4. "Name" Your Trigger Link

It is crucial to name your trigger link appropriately for organization purposes. Make sure to follow naming conventions to ensure a standardized and systematic approach.

5. Pasting the Destination "URL"

Once you have named your trigger link, the next step is to paste the URL of the destination to which your new leads and customers will be directed. For instance, if you want to direct people to your website, you can copy and paste the URL of your website here.

Pasting the Destination

6. Click "Save"

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