How to Use the Field Tabs in Forms

This article will show you the used of fields tabs. By using the Field tabs, you can customize your form with a variety of standard and custom fields, giving you full control over your form's look and feel.

1. Click "Marketing"

Navigate to the Marketing tab.


2. Click "forms"

Select the Forms option.


3. Click "Add Form"


4. Field Types

When adding fields to your form, you have the choice of two groups:

1. Click "Standard"

In the Standard Fields section, you will be able to add common fields such as name, email, phone number, and more to your form.


"Select" then "Drag"

To add an input option to your form, simply drag and drop it into the form slide displayed in the middle of your screen in both the Standard Fields and Custom Fields tabs. It's a straightforward process that does not require writing any code.

2. Click "Custom Fields"

The Custom Fields section allows you or your CRM admin to build and use fields that are entirely personalized to your needs. These fields can range from checkboxes to long-form answers and can be created and named according to your requirements.

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