How to customize chat widget window

This article we will walk you with a few simple steps, you can make sure your chat widget matches your brand's colors, ask relevant questions to visitors, and collect their contact information. Get started today and provide a seamless and professional experience for your website visitors.

1. Click "Marketing"

Access the Marketing section in the application.


2. Click "chat widget"


3. Click "Widget window"


4. Preview Your Customized Chat Widget Design

View a live preview of your website chat widget window as you customize it in real-time. Watch the changes take effect instantly and get a glimpse of what your final widget will look like

Preview Your Customized Chat Widget Design

5. Customizing the Top Section of Your Chat Widget

At this section, you can personalize the text displayed at the top of your chat widget. This area usually includes a call-to-action or your company name, making it easy for visitors to understand who they are chatting with.

Customizing the Top Section of Your Chat Widget

6. Customizing the Intro Message

The message at the top of the chat window is similar to a representative greeting a visitor. It's recommended to ask a question or encourage the visitor to leave their contact information. Customize this text to suit your brand and engage visitors effectively.

Customizing the Intro Message

7. Email Field

By toggling the email field, you can prompt your visitors to enter their email addresses before they start a chat. This helps you collect contact information and reach out to visitors even after they've left your website

Email Field

8. Adding a Legal Disclaimer to Your Chat Widget

It's important to let your website visitors know that any communication coming from the chat widget will either be via text or email. To ensure transparency and professionalism, it's recommended to add a legal disclaimer. This helps visitors understand that the information they share may be used for future communication

Adding a Legal Disclaimer to Your Chat Widget

9. Customizing Your Chat Widget Color

Here you can change the color of your chat widget to match your website or brand's color scheme. This helps your chat widget blend into your website seamlessly and appear more professional to your visitors. Simply navigate to the customization settings and choose the color that best represents your brand.

Customizing Your Chat Widget Color
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