Personal Information

This section will guide you on how to update your personal information, including your photo, name, last name, email, phone number, and extension (if needed).

1. Click "Settings"

Access the settings option in the application.


2. Click "My Profile"


3. Navigate to Personal Data

Navigate to Personal Data

4. Click "Change" to add photo

Click on the "Personal Logo" option to change or remove the logo. Ensure that the logo size is not bigger than 2.5mb and has the proposed size of 512*512px.


5. Click here to update "First Name"

Enter your first name in the input field provided.

Click here to update

6. Click here to update "Last Name"

Enter your last name in the input field provided.

Click here to update

7. Click here to update "Email"

Enter your email address in the input field provided.

Click here to update

8. Click here to update "Phone"

Enter your phone number in the input field provided.

Click here to update

9. Click here to update "Extension"

Enter your phone extension number in the input field provided.

Click here to update

10. Click here to update "Platform Language"

Select your preferred language from the language dropdown.

Click here to update

11. Click "Update Profile"

Click on the "Update Profile" option to save the changes made to your profile.

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