Facebook Publishing Troubleshooting Guide

This guide is intended to help you troubleshoot issues with your Facebook page. If you’re having trouble, please read through the steps and see if they solve your problem. If not, let us know what happened so we can try to find a solution for you!

Facebook Pages not showing in the list

It is important to connect your Facebook account with all of the permissions. The main reasons are as follows 

1. Content Permission is missing, I have permission through business manager - The user needs to have admin rights to the Facebook page, we don't recommend the business manager. Social Planner requires content and insight permission while connection.

2. My Page is missing, I am admin - The user who has connected the initial integration didn't grant permission to all the Facebook pages. Later on, they would like to add another page, when they go to Social Planner > Settings > Integration, while adding authenticating they are not able to see the other page. 

Content Permission is missing, I have permission through business manager

1. Navigate to Facebook:

Step 1 - Login to your Facebook account of the page.

Step 2 - Go to your profile icon and click on Facebook Page

Step 3 - Go the Facebook page and Click on Manage

Step 4 - In left panel, look for "Page Access"

Step 5 - Check if you are listed like Hightest > Page name, you would be required to ask the owner/admin of the page to add the person who would like to connect and publish in Social Planner.

If the page doesn't have People with Facebook access as the person who owns the page. They can try to do this

1. They should invite someone else as an admin with full access.

Note - Disclaimer to be added on point: If the page doesn't have People with Facebook access as the person who owns the page. They can try to do this - Send them a friend request, it will help you out while you are searching the name.

2. That person should invite the admin who owns the page in people with Facebook access (full access).

3. Optional, they can remove the initial person who was added once the admin has full permissions.

My Page is missing, I am admin
If you are trying to connect your Facebook pages with GHL Connector, but some of the pages are missing from the list then you can follow the below guide:

1. Navigate to Facebook:

Step 1 - Login to your Facebook account (admin) of the page.
Step 2 - Navigate to your profile picture icon on right side, click on Settings and Privacy

Step 3 - Once you are in Setting and Privacy > Settings

Step 4 - In Settings, go to Business Integration > LeadConnectorStep 5 - Go to click on the "View and Edit" link.

2. Select the List of Pages:

Upon clicking the link, you will see the popup, make sure you have given all the permissions and selected all of your social channels.

If some of the channels are unchecked, you can check them from there.

3. Save and Reconnect

Once you have changed the permissions/selected the new pages, click on the Save button.

Now navigate to Settings in Social Planner, and connect your Facebook pages. This time, you should be able to see the pages that were not shown previously.

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