A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Contact Information in Aesthetix CRM

Dive into the intricacies of contact details within Aesthetix CRM with this comprehensive guide. Learn how to navigate and interpret contact information effectively, from basic demographics to custom fields. This tutorial provides a step-by-step overview of the various sections and data points available in contact details, empowering you to leverage this information for personalized communication and relationship management. Whether you're a novice user or seasoned professional, this guide ensures you maximize the potential of contact details to enhance your CRM experience and drive business success

In your CRM system, you can easily control and change the information of your contacts as you like. Each contact's card gives you many choices to handle their details well. You can add or take away labels, include them in automatic processes, make calls, send messages, write emails, and more. This gives you the ability to make your own choices and create better connections.

1. Please start by selecting 'Contacts' on the menu

1 First, click here.

2. Followed by choosing 'Smart Lists'

2 Once that's done, click on "Smart Lists".

3. You may now select the desired contact person

3 Following that, click on the element.

4. You will view the detailed info for the selected Contact Name

4 Afterwards, click on "SF".

5. To explore more, switch between different contacts here

5 Once that's done, click on the element.

6. Next, click on the 'Contact Info Tab' for detailed info

6 After that, click on "contact".

7. Contact Data 'First Name'

7 Following that, click here.

8. Contact Data 'Last Name'

8 Next up, click here.

9. Contact Data Email' address

9 Next, click here.

10. Contact Data 'Phone number'

10 Next, click here.

11. Contact Data 'Date of Birth'

11 Click on "First Name".

12. 'Tags' for the contact

12 Click on "Opportunities".

13. You may explore 'Opportunities' through this selection

13 Upload

14. Lastly, observe the contact's 'Creation Details' for records

14 Click on "Created on: Sat Apr 27 2024 04:37:25 GMT+0800".

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