Deleting Contacts in Aesthetix CRM

Dive into the process of efficiently managing your contact list by learning how to delete contacts in Aesthetix CRM. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on removing unnecessary or outdated contacts, helping you maintain a clean and organized database. Discover the proper procedures for deleting individual contacts or bulk deleting contacts, along with best practices to ensure data integrity. Streamline your CRM experience and optimize your workflow by decluttering your contact list effectively.

1. Please navigate to the 'Contacts' section by clicking it.

1 First up, click on the element.

2. Now, you can access 'Smart Lists' by clicking on it.

2 Click on "Smart Lists".

3. Select the contact you wish to delete by checking the box next to it.

3 Then, click here.

4. Initiate the deletion process by clicking 'Delete'.

4 After, click here.

5. Finally, confirm your action to permanently delete the contact by clicking 'Confirm'.

5 Click on "Cancel".
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