How to use website settings

Learn how to use the website settings

Within the settings tab, you can easily oversee and modify essential website configurations such as adjusting the site's name, linking your domain to the website, integrating tracking codes, and more.

1. Click "Marketing"

Go to the "Marketing" section


2. Click "funnels"

Select the "funnels" option.


3. Click "Websites"

Open the "Websites" tab.


4. Click "sample website Version 2"

Select website


5. Click "Settings"


6. Settings Menu

This is the place where you can manage and configure your website settings.

Settings Menu

7. Name

This is the section where you can name your website or make changes to its existing name.


8. Select "Domain Name"

Once you've completed the website setup, you'll need to connect it to your domain in order to make it live. Simply navigate to the "Domain" tab and paste your domain URL.


9. Path

In this section, you can establish the default path for your website.


10. Add "Favicon URL"

To incorporate a favicon into your funnel, simply paste the favicon's URL in the designated field box. This will automatically add a URL to your .png or .ico favicon image for all of the pages within your funnel.


11. Head Tracking Code

Within this section, you can insert the head tracking code for your website.

Head Tracking Code

12. Body Tracking Code

Within this section, you can insert the body tracking code for your website.

Body Tracking Code

13. Payment Mode

Once your website is completely functional and ready to accept payments, you can simply turn on the payment mode. However, if you want to test this function yourself, keep the payment mode off and give it a test run. Your card will not be charged when the payment mode is "off".

Payment Mode

14. Image Optimisation

Image Optimisation

15. Chat Widget

You have the option to either enable or disable the chat widget depending on your objective.

Chat Widget

16. Click "Save"

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